November 4, 2009

Taking Care of Business

Despite our lack of a Hallowedding, we did throw a small Halloween party.  We couldn't let our invitations go to waste!  We used it as an excuse to celebrate Mr. Dachshund's arrival and to spend time with our family and friends.

Mr. Doxie and I went as (a very last-minute) Frankenstein's Monster and his bride.  We couldn't get the bolts to stick to his neck with the safe-for-skin glue, and after he rejected my Super Glue suggestion, I decided to just draw them in for effect  : )  You can see the Halloween-fabric bunting I made hanging in the background.

After our Friday night Halloween festivities, Mr. D and I headed down to Los Angeles to continue our celebrations.  We had planned on going to West Hollywood for Halloween night and partying it up with a few close friends, but Mr. Doxie was being a major party-pooper.  He didn't feel well and has a pretty big aversion to cities in general.  In LA he was miserable.

So we skipped West Hollywood and went to sleep early.  The next morning, determined to cheer him up (and because I knew that a certain paper store was in the vicinity,) we sought out the most deliciously over-priced cupcakes in Beverly Hills. 

A few pumpkin cupcakes later, we were on our way to Paper Source when what did we see!?

A beacon of light shone down upon that modern roof-top.  So what if we're registered at Crate and Barrel when the nearest one is three hours away?  We'd added a few things to the registry via the internet, but there are some things you have to see in person.

    "Can we go update our registry!?  PRETTY PLEASE!?"
    "Uggghhhhh," Mr. Doxie groaned.
    "But you'll get to play with a really cool scanner gun!"
    "Ughhhhhhhhhh," he repeated as I pulled into the parking structure.

Everything started out great!  Mr. Doxie, though I doubt he'd admit it, was having fun scanning things in.  (That's an Altoids tin in Mr. D's pocket, not chewing tobacco!)

We even agreed on the first item that we looked at, our flatware!  This was going to be effortless!

Uhhh, or so I thought.  We started disagreeing on everything else.  I knew Mr. D and I had different styles, I just didn't think he'd care very much about it.  I was wrong.

We disagreed on our everyday dishes, wine glasses, cutting boards, sofas...

And then there were the items that were a bit overwhelming.  Forget disagreement... neither of us could make a decision to begin with!  How do you choose one design from a whole wall of glasses?

We managed to survive, even though I did have to do some online registry cleanup when we got home; Mr. D was a little trigger-happy.

Despite our disagreements, I'm relieved that we did decide on quite a lot of registry items.  Though, I think I need to find a comprehensive checklist of registry basics so that I can cross-reference our C&B registry with the one from Macys.  All-in-all, I'm happy that we made it down to Los Angeles to get this taken care of.  And, I got all of our STD envelopes and paper without having to pay for shipping!

Were you and your fiancés in agreeance when it came to your registries?  If not, how did you come to see eye-to-eye?  Do any of you have recommendations to organize multiple registries?

1 comment:

  1. I'm more than happy to shop at C&B for your wedding gifts! I LOVE that place.
